Create a Fundraiser for Barrow

From Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease to stroke, brain cancer, and so much more, Barrow Neurological Foundation supports innovative research and treatment for brain and spine diseases.

Our donors’ support inspires stories of resilience and hope. Together, we’re making the impossible, possible!

Follow our simple steps to start your own fundraiser to benefit Barrow Neurological Institute. Share your passion with your friends and family and inspire them to support your cause.

How to Help

It’s Easy

Select a Fundraiser

Celebrate your birthday,wedding, honor a loved one or caregiver!

Create your Page

It only takes a few minutes to set up your page.

Ask for Support

Share your fundraiser and invite others to support it.

Help Save Lives

Change the lives of Barrow patients with the money you raise.
Need help creating your fundraiser? Download our fundraiser guide. Download Icon