Jennifer Story lived with severe migraines every day for 36 years, experiencing pain so debilitating that it would cause her to slur her speech or mix up her words. She suffered from the crippling migraines since she was a child and doesn’t remember what it was like to live pain-free.
Jennifer shares, “People don’t know how debilitating it is.” When she experiences a migraine, she has to find a quiet place, lie down, turn the lights low and wait for her medication to kick in. A migraine can come on at the most inconvenient of times. As a business owner and mom of three kids, Jennifer would try to push through.
Last year her migraines became so severe that she ended up in the emergency room. Her primary care doctor said she needed to see a specialist. Jennifer felt weary about finding one because so many had failed before.
Through a friend’s recommendation, she found Barrow Neurological Institute and Dr. Kerry Knievel, director of the Jan & Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment Program. Jennifer felt like for the first time a doctor understood her pain, which provided an enormous sense of relief.
She says, “I can’t tell you what it’s like to be pain-free when I wake up in the morning. It is absolutely amazing and refreshing to open my eyes.” The headache experts at the Jan & Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment Program have the tools and knowledge to accurately diagnose migraines, as well as the experience and technology to minimize their effects on patients’ daily lives.
Patient turned supporter
Patients like Jennifer are greatly benefiting from the care provided through the Jan & Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment Program. She has undergone injections to decrease the frequency of her migraines.
“Dr. Knievel is so warm and friendly, and at no point in time has she ever rushed. I think that has made such a difference when you’re trying to get to the bottom of what is bothering someone,” says Jennifer.
Today, Jennifer is more productive at work, has more energy because she sleeps well at night, and is a kinder and calmer person with fewer headaches.
Jennifer is not only a patient, but also a supporter of Barrow.
Understanding headaches and migraines through research
Dr. Knievel not only provides exceptional patient care. She is also committed to migraine and headache disorders research to end the suffering for all those who experience migraine and headache.
Your gift in support of research to the Jan & Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment program will make an impact to this life-changing program.