Sonntag Spine Center
Support Barrow in revolutionizing the treatment of spinal injuries and disorders.
Donate to Spine Research and Education
Severe back pain can affect every aspect of your life, making simple activities like getting dressed in the morning, driving, and running errands almost unbearable.
Through the vision and leadership of Volker K.H. Sonntag, MD, the Sonntag Spine Center’s namesake, Barrow established itself as a trailblazer in the research, education, and treatment of spinal disorders. Today, the Sonntag Spine Center continues to expand upon this tradition, propelling Barrow into the future of spine surgery by integrating cutting-edge research, technology, and innovation into the operating room. This already has led to several pioneering techniques that have significantly improved patient outcomes and reduced recovery time.
Your Support Fuels Life-Changing Spine Research
The Spinal Biomechanics Laboratory, led by Brian Kelly, PhD, aims to develop new surgical techniques and devices. For example, the lab is investigating factors that may lead to the degeneration of surrounding areas after spinal fusion surgery. It is also one of only two labs worldwide using digital imaging correlation to track stress and strain on the sacroiliac joints, which connect the spine to the pelvis.
Philanthropic support has enabled the Center to grow its Spine Clinical Outcomes Prospective Registry, with more than 2,800 patients enrolled to date. Led by Jay Turner, MD, PhD, the registry collects a wide range of clinical data for surgeons to improve treatment and maximize patient outcomes and quality of life.
You Help Redefine Surgical Education and Training
The Virtual Reality (VR) Spine Laboratory is revolutionizing the future of surgical training with cutting-edge VR technology. Thanks to the generosity of Barrow donors, the lab has acquired new cameras for precise tracking and motion analysis, enhanced software, and customized AI tools to automate spine training modules.
The VR Spine Lab also launched its first validation study, distributing VR headsets and 3D-printed spine models to neurosurgical residents. Through this, the team aims to gather real-world feedback to further enhance surgical training applications.
See what we achieved in research and patient care last year by downloading the FY24 Spine Stewardship Report below.
Your Support, Their Stories
Grateful Barrow patients share how the spine team helped them live every day to the fullest again.

Seeking out Dr. Turner for another opinion made all difference in the world. What he did for me was completely life-changing.
[Name Title]
Linda’s back pain became so excruciating that she couldn’t stand or walk without having to sit down every few minutes.

Your Donations Advance Spine Research & Education
Spine Outcomes Registry
Barrow Sports Biomechanics Spine Lab
Discover More Programs
At Barrow Neurological Foundation, your donation is crucial in supporting three key areas: advanced patient care, curative research, and education for the next generation of neuroscientists. Learn more about how your donation impacts each of the areas we treat.
Support groundbreaking research and clinical trials to give ALS patients a better quality of life.
Help Barrow achieve its mission of transforming Alzheimer’s from a devastating diagnosis to a manageable, chronic condition.
Support Barrow scientists in developing lifesaving treatments for aneurysm and AVM patients.
Help Barrow provide patients from all walks of life with exceptional concussion and TBI research, treatment and care
Help us improve access to neurological care in the developing world through world-class education and training.
Support the Ivy Brain Tumor Center’s mission to find a cure for brain cancer.