Barrow Neurological Foundation is honored to announce the creation of the Lewis Headache Center at Barrow Neurological Institute thanks to a generous gift from Jan and Tom Lewis. The news comes just in time for National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, which is recognized during the month of June. “I have personally benefited from the comprehensive approach to migraine treatment and prevention that Dr. Kerry Knievel and her team provide,” said Jan Lewis. “Our family’s support of headache care at Barrow over the years has helped increase the quality and quantity of patient care. This gift will further that, leading to more patient care options and research to find innovative treatments.”
In 2017, the Lewises established the Jan and Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment Program at Barrow to enhance patient care, research, and education for migraine and headache disorders. Because of their generosity, the Program has seen over 5,500 new patients and has enrolled over 175 patients in clinical trials over the last five years.
Jan and Tom Lewis have continued their dedicated support of headache care at Barrow with an additional $3 million commitment. In honor of this gift, the Foundation and Institute have renamed the Jan and Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment Program as the Lewis Headache Center, to reflect a broadening of research and patient care for migraine and headache disorders.
“The Lewises have devoted their time and treasure to enabling research and treatment for thousands of patients who suffer daily from the debilitating effects of headache disorders,” said Katie Cobb, President of Barrow Neurological Foundation. “They have consistently shown dedication, passion, and commitment to a cause that has affected their lives, so that others won’t have to experience their journey. It is donors like the Lewises who exemplify the true philanthropic spirit of helping those in need, and we cherish the relationship we have with them and thank them for providing relief and solace for so many families in our community.”
Under the leadership of Kerry Knievel, DO, the Lewis Headache Center aims to become a premier destination for comprehensive headache patient care. This includes providing individualized care for patients by expanding the Center’s wellness program, which currently includes physical therapy and yoga specialized for headache, dietician consultations, mindfulness, and social work. The Center also aims to become a renowned leader in headache research, as well as recognized for opportunities to train with the best headache specialists.
“I am deeply appreciative to Jan and Tom Lewis for their generous, ongoing support of headache care at Barrow. This gift allows us to strengthen patient care and expand our multidisciplinary wellness program, while accelerating research to develop new modalities for treating and managing migraine,” said Dr. Knievel, director of the Lewis Headache Center.
Kerry Knievel, DO, director of the Lewis Headache Center, is available for interviews throughout the month of June. For media inquiries, please contact [email protected]