Nick & Jenn’s Journey From ‘Trials to Triumph’
Since the inception of the Ivy Brain Tumor Center, our mission has been clear: to discover a cure for brain cancer. Through tireless dedication and pioneering research in our early-phase clinical trials program, we’ve diligently pushed boundaries, advancing promising treatments while discarding others. Today, as we stand on the brink of a breakthrough, we are poised to bring a life-prolonging drug to the FDA for approval, offering hope to thousands of patients in dire need. Join us on this transformative journey from trials to triumph.
The innovative therapies within our Phase 0 program have given our patients what they need most – more time.
Nick’s Story

Nick, an ambitious recent college graduate, refused to let his brain tumor prevent him from pursuing his dreams. By participating in a clinical trial, his unique brain tumor was matched with a recently developed drug intended for breast cancer. Ivy Center investigators discovered it could penetrate the blood-brain barrier, targeting and destroying cancerous cells. Today, five years later, Nick’s tumor remains undetectable.
Jenn’s Story
When Jenn’s glioblastoma resurfaced for the third time, she enrolled in a clinical trial evaluating a drug tailored to infiltrate and disrupt her tumor’s genetic composition. The effective treatment gave her more precious time, allowing her to witness her daughter’s graduation from a prestigious veterinary school.

These triumphs mark significant achievements for our patients.
Patients like Nick and Jenn come to the Ivy Center from across the globe with hope for their own victories. These breakthrough treatments would not be available to these patients without the steadfast support of our generous donors. Through the Barrow Neurological Foundation, these benefactors directly contribute to groundbreaking research that not only enhances but also prolongs the lives of those afflicted with brain cancer.
Double Your Impact and Donate to Brain Tumor Awareness Month
The Rick Oehme Foundation has partnered with Barrow Neurological Foundation to raise money for brain tumor research at the Ivy Brain Tumor Center this May. The Rick Oehme Foundation will match any gifts made during Brain Tumor Awareness Month, up to $100,000. Donate today!