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Thankful for Surgery at Barrow: Dr. Andrew Little Saved My Life

Thanksgiving is a time when people count their blessings and give thanks. In 2017, Amie Miktsa was celebrating a wonderful Thanksgiving with her parents, husband, and two-year old daughter. Then out of nowhere, she suffered a seizure that changed her life forever.

“My husband was asking me what was wrong,” says Amie. I couldn’t answer. I couldn’t speak. I had no idea what was happening to me. It was beyond terrifying.”

Amie was rushed to a community hospital. Test after test provided no answers to what may be happening. Amie’s family was given the grim news she may not survive. That’s when Amie was transferred to Barrow Neurological Institute. That’s when she met Andrew Little, MD, FAANS, FACS, and that’s when the tide started to turn. Amie says she knew immediately Dr. Little was an amazing neurosurgeon. He made her, and her family, feel immediately at ease, and took the time to answer every question kindly, yet honestly.

An MRI revealed a grade three brain tumor and Amie was told she would need brain surgery and radiation treatments. But she wasn’t scared.

“I believed in Dr. Little,” says Amie. “I even told my family, ‘Everything is going to be okay. We are a family. Everything is going to be okay because this doctor is incredible.” 

From the moment Amie and her family met Dr. Little, they trusted him with her life. They knew he was a renowned expert in his field. His bedside manner was calming and he spoke in terms they could understand.

Amie says, “Dr. Little became a source of comfort for my family and me. Not only did he perform the surgery on the left side of my brain that literally saved my life, he supported my family during the biggest crisis of our lives. I will always be thankful.”

Two years after her surgery, Amie is doing well and enjoying every, single moment. Her family made a donation to Barrow for saving her life and giving her precious time with her daughter, husband, and parents. Their donation will support unsurpassed patient care, ground-breaking scientific research, and advanced medical education.Amy Miksta and her family


Join Amie in saving lives by making a tax-deductible donation to Barrow Neurological Foundation. You can even designate your donation to the Barrow program that means the most to you and your family.

Please make your tax-deductible donation to Barrow today and give people like Amie the chance to live a great life with their loved ones.

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