Lynn L. Diamond is a philanthropist and former real estate executive in New York. Born in 1935, Ms. Diamond was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 40. She sought a second opinion at New York University Medical Center where she met Dr. Abraham Lieberman. He became her doctor and later, her friend. Over the years, Ms. Diamond has altruistically given to help patients through several nonprofit organizations, most notably Barrow Neurological Institute, where Dr. Lieberman held the chair in movement disorders research, was the director of the fall prevention center and was the chief of the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center.
Five decades of philanthropy in support of Parkinson’s care, research and education
For more than five decades, Ms. Diamond’s generosity has bolstered research, education and programs for patients with Parkinson’s disease. She has supported charities such as the National Parkinson Foundation, the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the American Red Cross. Since 1990 specifically, she has given Barrow Neurological Institute several unparalleled gifts, taking the institute to new heights and reaching more patients with movement disorders than ever before.
Her investment allowed Barrow to train the next generation of clinical leaders through the Movement Disorders Fellowship that she endowed, conduct leading-edge research on balance and movement disorders, expand patient access and increase program offerings at the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center. With her dedicated support over the years, Barrow was able to earn the distinction as a Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence.
From one patient to another
Ms. Diamond is an incredible philanthropist with a modest, calm and unintrusive demeanor. Her donations enabled physicians, like Dr. Lieberman, to illuminate light on countless patients’ lives. Patients today and in the future will benefit from her committed investment through access to incredible care and programs her philanthropy provides; leading-edge research that changes the course of medicine for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis and treatment made possible through her grants; the next generation of premier clinical leaders in the field through the fellowship in her honor; and health education and programs to help patients and their families cope with the disease they are facing. Ms. Diamond’s compassion for those suffering from progressive neurological illnesses is apparent through her giving, and she has helped make a difference for them significantly over the past several decades.