Barrow Planned Giving

Discover how to maximize your gift and create a legacy.

Plan your Philanthropic Legacy

There are numerous ways to leave a lasting legacy at Barrow. The chart below outlines some of the advantages of various giving options and their associated benefits. Use this chart to identify the giving option that best fits your financial and charitable goals.

Barrow Legacy Society

Your planned gift to Barrow Neurological Foundation entitles you to membership in the Barrow Legacy Society. Members ensure the continuation of innovative patient care, medical research and education at Barrow for years to come. Potential benefits of a Legacy Gift:

  • Recognition as a member in donor communication materials
  • Invitations to special events hosted by the Foundation
  • Regular updates on the latest Barrow news
  • Personalized assistance with scheduling appointments with physicians and assistance receiving medical records
  • Knowing that you’re making a difference for patients and families fighting devastating neurological diseases

Barrow Planned Giving Options

The information provided is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney, financial or tax advisor.