Life-changing Treatment for

Lewis Headache Center

Support life-changing treatment for migraine and headache disorders.

Donate to Headache Research, Education, and Outreach

More than 42 million Americans live with a headache disorder, which means that even if you aren’t personally affected, chances are you know someone who is. Many types of headache disorders, particularly migraine, come with chronic, debilitating pain that impacts nearly every facet of an individual’s life: family, career, school, hobbies, travel, and time with friends.

The Lewis Headache Center offers compassionate care and multifaceted treatment that focuses on each patient’s overall health and well-being. This includes cutting-edge medications and therapies, innovative research, a comprehensive wellness program, and outreach and education events.

Your Donations Fuel Innovative Headache Research

The Lewis Headache Center’s research program encompasses both investigator-initiated studies and industry-sponsored studies focused on developing new, more effective ways to diagnose and treat headache disorders.

Transforming the Lives and Journey of Migraine Patients

Headache neurologist Jennifer Robblee, MD, is working on an investigator-initiated study funded through Barrow Neurological Foundation’s competitive grant process. The study utilizes structural and functional MRI to analyze and compare changes happening in the brain during status migrainosus — a relentless headache that lasts more than 72 hours and does not respond to treatment. Status migrainosus is associated with severe disability, a worse migraine prognosis, and higher rates of hospitalization for patients. Using MRI to better understand the brain changes in status migrainosus ultimately could lead to improved treatment for patients.

In addition, Dr. Robblee submitted an addendum to the study to enroll five patients with refractory migraine (a migraine that does not respond to treatment) and status migrainosus. This would allow her to obtain the pilot data needed for National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant on refractory migraine.

Your Support, Their Stories

Grateful Barrow patients share how the headache team helps them live every day to the fullest.


 Throughout everything, Dr. Root has just been phenomenal. He’s continued working with me and we’ve even found some treatments that are helping with both conditions.

[Name Title]

 Krysta’s migraine attacks made it difficult for her to keep up with her two young children and spend quality time with them.


Your Generosity Advances Headache Education and Outreach

Discover More Programs

At Barrow Neurological Foundation, your donation is crucial in supporting three key areas: advanced patient care, curative research, and education for the next generation of neuroscientists. Learn more about how your donation impacts each of the areas we treat.