The Women’s Board of the Barrow Neurological Foundation raised more than $8.5 million for Barrow Neurological Institute through the 2021 Barrow Grand Ball, “A Grand Toast to Barrow.” Women’s Board members Diane Might and Kolby Moffatt co-chaired the event and galvanized members and donors during one of the most challenging times in recent history.
For the first time in its storied history, the Barrow Grand Ball was celebrated virtually, held on January 23, 2021 via an exclusive invitation for supporters. The video celebration showcased the Women’s Board’s fundraising accomplishments and highlighted its impact on several Barrow programs.
“We come together as a community one special night every year to support the innovation taking place at Barrow Neurological Institute each and every day,” says Sandy Hecomovich, Chairman of the Women’s Board. “Due to the pandemic, we decided to host a virtual event to continue our long tradition of recognizing the Women’s Board’s unwavering support for Barrow, and to keep our members safer at home.”
Each year, the Women’s Board supports a special project that is meaningful to its membership and important to the future of Barrow. In 2021, the Grand Ball committee selected the Petznick Stroke Center at Barrow Neurological Institute. Led by Dr. Michael Waters, MD, PhD, the director of the Center and the first recipient of the Dorrance Chair of Vascular Neurology, the Petznick Stroke Center will surely establish new standards of stroke care and prevention, while continuing to conduct groundbreaking research focused on limiting and repairing damage caused by a stroke.
“Since 1965, our Women’s Board has worked tirelessly to raise funds for the world’s leading experts at Barrow Neurological Institute. They are the gold standard of philanthropy in our community and across the nation, as evidenced by a record-breaking year in the middle of a global pandemic,” says Katie Cobb, president of Barrow Neurological Foundation. “Funding from the Women’s Board is responsible for groundbreaking research and advances in clinical care that save lives and benefits patients not just here in Arizona but around the world.”
In addition to the Petznick Stroke Center, this year’s funds also support Barrow research in other critical areas including Alzheimer’s, aneurysms, brain tumors, headaches, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, and spinal disorders.